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Planning Board Minutes 09/07/2006

(603) 798-4350


PRESENT: Chairman Brad Towle, Joanna McIntosh, Tom Jameson, Stan Brehm, Richard Arell, David Kenneally, Richard DeBold, Fred Ruoff and Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Towle introduced the Board and requested that they review the minutes of August 3, 2006. Chairman Towle also announced that Alternate member David Kenneally would be a voting member tonight due to the absence of Member Mike Paveglio.

The following changes were made: Page 3, Design Review – DePalma line 3, Mr. DePalma is willing to transfer. Second paragraph to read: The Board requested that the final plat show the final proposed lots only. Public Hearing – DePalma, line 2 remove the word “there” between “that and this” and change the word “own” to “owner”

Motion was made to accept the minutes with the above changes.

        Brehm/McIntosh          (Passed)

Chairman Towle reviewed the agenda with the public to ensure accuracy and then continued to the agenda items.

DESIGN REVIEW:  Eddie Watson
        Site Review – multi use
        Map 3, Lot 22-1, Dover Road

Abutters present: Chester & Mary McPhail

Tim Bernier presented plans to the Board. There will be five (5) uses on this lot. Heavy Equipment Rental, Mr. B’s Truck Repair, Hilltop Mill Supplies, Bill’s RV Repair & Sales and Mr. Watson’s residence.

Mr. Bernier explained that the primary access, area around the building and the increased parking will be repaved. The equipment and other items on the lot will also be better organized. There are thirty-five (35) planned parking spaces. They will be expanding the overhang off the building and adding a cement pad. The wash bay will have sedimentation, oil and grease filters prior to the wash water entering a swale. The current septic system will support a residence and 18 employees. There are currently 8 employees on site for all the businesses.

The Board was in agreement that the following items need to be addressed prior to acceptance of the application:  

Soils to verify zoning type.
NH Soil Scientists stamp needs to be on the plan.
DOT Driveway permit
Driveway and parking area to be paved stated on plan.
Registry Box
Signature Block

Design Review/Public Hearing continued to October 5, 2006

DESIGN REVIEW:  Peter Holmes, Holmes Carpet
        Warehouse, retail and office
        Map 5, Lot 64, Suncook Valley Road

Abutters present: None

Tony Fallon presented plans to the Board along with Craig Bailey.

Mr. Fallon and Mr. Bailey reviewed the application review and made comments and showed corrections.

The plans show that the wetlands setbacks supersede the property line setbacks. The retaining walls will not fall into the wetland setbacks. The Board would still like to have some reference as to where the property line is.

Driveway permit from State of NH DOT has been obtained and a copy will be forwarded on to the Planning office.

Motion was made to accept the application as complete.

        DeBold/Jameson          (Passed)

Design Review closed.

PUBLIC HEARING: Peter Holmes, Holmes Carpet
        Warehouse, retail and office
        Map 5, Lot 64, Suncook Valley Road
Abutters present: None

Rental building will be two floors, first floor will be retail and office space will be on the second floor. The building will have an elevator and will be handicapped accessible. Mr. DeBold raised concerns about the architectural design of the proposed retail building and believed that what was being presented, in elevation view, was a building out of character for preserving the rural character of Chichester.

Considerable discussion followed about the building’s design and also whether the Board actually has the authority to regulate architectural designs in the Commercial/Industrial/Multi-Family District on Suncook Valley Road, (Route 28) as the Planning Board does for the Commercial Village district on Dover Road, (Route 4, 202 & 9).

Mr. DeBold’s position cited language in Chichester’s Site Review Regulations, within the Purpose section, which states that the purpose of the regulations is to “provide for harmonious and aesthetically pleasing development of the municipality” and also pointed out that part of the Site Plan Review application requires the submission present “An elevation view or photo of all buildings” for review.
It was suggested that a facade be placed on the sides at the roof to create a more New England look. The warehouse is set back and behind the existing building so the façade is not necessary.

The Fire Chief at the last meeting was very concerned with the access around the buildings. The Board was in agreement that the Fire Chief has to make the decision on the access around all buildings. Other Board members also showed their concern about having no way to drive around the buildings in an emergency. There is still great concern with building in the area as to the flooding in May 2006 proved that this area has water issues. Mr. Bailey tried to reassure the Board that the flooding in May was closer to a 500 year flood than a 100 year flood. Members still are concerned.

The following items need to be addressed for this conditional approval:

1)      The approval of the Fire Chief on the access or lack of around the buildings.
2)      FEMA Approval
3)      Setback from lot line to rear of warehouse
4)      State of NH DOT Driveway permit
5)      Plans suitable for recording with the Merrimack County Registry of deeds

A letter from Paul Adams, a concerned citizen, was read by the Chairman and the items listed had been addressed during the hearing. Letter Attached.

Motion was made to accept the proposal with the above conditions.

        Brehm/Kenneally                   6yes   1no    (Passed)

DISCUSSION:     Arthur Asnive
        Site Review – Dance Studio
        Map 9, Lot 91, Suncook Valley and Kelley Corner Roads

The Dance Studio has left the property. The Chairman did explain that even in the commercial zone if there is a change in use, the property owner still needs to come before the Planning Board.

DISCUSSION:     Mark Blasko
        Site Review – Multi – Use
        Family Entertainment Center, Office
        Mini-Golf, Batting Cages and snack bar
        Map 2, Lot 81, Dover and Bailey Roads

Mr. Blasko presented plans for his proposal. The Mini-Golf will be on the northern part of the lot towards Route 4. The office and snack bar will be within the existing building. The Batting Cages and parking lot will be on the back side of the lot away from Route 4. Questions were asked about wetlands and setbacks. Could parking area runoff and fairways run thru wetland setbacks?

Design Review and Public Hearing set for October 5, 2006


Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission meeting is Thursday September 14, discussion is on Supreme Court decisions.

Chairman Towle will be present at Conservation Commission meetings.

State Office of Energy and Planning fall conference will be held at Waterville Valley on October 28th the Board will let the secretary know if they are going.

Final Policy and Procedures have been reviewed by all and final corrections will be made in the next day or so and placed on the October agenda for public hearing

Motion was made to adjourn.

        Towle/McIntosh          (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 10:50 pm

                Respectfully submitted,

                Brad Towle

Attachment: Paul Adams Letter of concern. (Available in hard copy at town hall)